Support LWVCT Advocacy!

Support LWVCT Advocacy!

Advocacy Appeal 2021 LWVCT Website Banner

Take action today: Donate & Get Involved

Make your gift of $25, $50, $100 or another amount online or by mail. Your support helps keep vital issues for our members and the public at the forefront in Connecticut.


Because of supporters and citizen advocates like you, LWVCT was able to:
  • step up during the 2020 election cycle to ensure that each Connecticut voter could cast a ballot safely and securely, despite the COVID-19 public health crisis and damage from storm Isaias.
  • continue our pro-active advocacy during the 2021 legislative session instead of being reactive in the face of unforeseen future public health and climate events. 

100% of your gift goes to supporting LWVCT Advocacy efforts and legislative priorities.


Donate Online:

Support LWVCT Advocacy:

To make an online donation to support LWVCT Advocacy, click the "Donate" button below. These contributions are not tax-deductible.


Mail a Check:

If you would prefer to donate by mail, please send the information below with your check. You may use the form for your convenience:

League of Women Voters of Connecticut
295 Washington Avenue, Suite 2
Hamden, CT 06518-3025

Contribution Form



City____________________________ State______ Zip Code_____________

Amount Enclosed $__________________ Phone (opt)____________________

Email Address____________________________________________________

____ I wish my contribution to remain anonymous.

Comments _____________________________________________________


Please note that your gift to the League of Women Voters, a 501(c)4 organization, is NOT tax-deductible.


Thank you for your support!