An industrial landfill in Minquadale has asked DNREC for permission to raise the landfill level from 130 feet above sea level to 190 feet. Experts feel that the weight of additional material will jeopardize an important aquifer used by Artesian Water which lies directly beneath the landfill. League of Women Voters of Delaware (LWVDE) opposes the landfill expansion. Please click the link below to automatically send letters to public officials in protest of a permit.
ACTION 1: click to send a letter to public officials in protest of a permit.
A press conference and demonstration to oppose the permit will be held at the landfill site on on July 27th, 9-11 am. From the event flier: "WE ONLY HAVE ONE OPTION: PROTECT OUR WATER. WE MUST STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER." We will assemble in front of the DRPI landfill to tell Waste Management that they will not poison our water for their own profit.
Partners: Indivisible Highlands and Beyond, Sierra Club, Delaware United, League of Women Voters of Delaware, Network Delaware, Zero Waste First State
ACTION 2: attend July 27 press conference and demonstration event to show League support.
Although the landfill is located in New Castle County, because DNREC has regulatory jurisdiction over it, the landfill is a state issue.
- Carol Jones & Sue Claire Harper, Co-Presidents LWVDE