Sussex County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

Sussex County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

vote - update

June 2, 2020 - Presidential Primary Election. To vote in-person, go to any open polling place. You are able to vote an absentee ballot for the Presidential Primary election due to the coronavirus mandates. To request an absentee ballot go to VOTE411.

Gov Carney

Delaware needs healthy communities before we can have a healthy economy again. At the same time, Governor Carney believes it is important to look forward.

2020 Census

THE CENSUS: Your Invitation to Respond. If you haven’t responded yet, it is not too late!

President's Message by Marj Johnson
Blog Post

Read President Marjorie Johnson's message for April 2020 here.

Delaware map

On Tuesday March 24, 2020 Delaware Governor John Carney issued a sixth modification to his State of Emergency declaration, delaying Delaware elections and suspending residential foreclosures and evictions during the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-

Delaware map

Given the coronavirus pandemic and the federal and state restrictions, it is imperative that Delaware make it easier for voters and poll workers to maintain their health by limiting the need to cast an in-person vote.

Delaware Newsletter

Read the League of Women Voters of Delaware's WINTER newsletter, the VOTER 2020 with a roundup of LWV activities, cancelations, postponements and much more.

Celebrating 100 years, 19th Amendment

The League of Women Voters chapters in Delaware are each planning exciting events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women throughout the country the right to vote. Many activities are in the works!


This short video shows you what to expect when you vote in Delaware using the new computers. The ExpressVote XL Universal Voting System both marks and tabulates votes in one full-face voting unit. It includes a voter-verifiable paper record that is digitally scanned for tabulation on the ExpressVote XL itself.

We the People

The League of Women Voters of Delaware (WVDE) presents We're the WE in "We the People." This eagerly awaited series of civics education videos, funded in part by a grant from Delaware Humanities, has been published on the LWVDE YouTube Channel.
