Updated March 24, 2020: Mail-In Ballot Request

Updated March 24, 2020: Mail-In Ballot Request


 Updated March 24, 2020

PDF icon letter was sent to the Governor, Election Commissioner, and General Assembly Members concerning the Presidential Primary for our state, scheduled for April 28. Given the coronavirus pandemic and the federal and state restrictions, it is imperative that Delaware make it easier for voters and poll workers to maintain their health by limiting the need to cast an in-person vote. 


As of March 24, 2020, Governor Carney's order has broadened the absentee ballot application process to allow "social distancing due to COVID-19" as a valid reason to vote in this manner. 

Modifications made today by Gov. John Carney to his State of Emergency declaration will move Delaware's presidential primary to June 2; and suspend residential foreclosures, evictions, and utility shut-offs during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

For registration information, or to request an absentee ballot go to Delaware Department of Elections

On the existing Absentee Ballot Application Form,  the Governor’s order allows a citizen who is not actually sick, but just "social distancing", the choice to check either of the following boxes: ( ) Sick or ( ) Temporarily or Permanently Disabled.

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