LWVFL ACTION ALERT: Oppose the Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Races

LWVFL ACTION ALERT: Oppose the Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Races

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Time Range For Action Alert: 
February 23, 2024 to February 29, 2024


Your Action is Needed Now: 

Oppose the Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Races


The Florida Senate will hear Senate Joint Resolution 1114 tomorrow (Feb. 28, 2024).

Senate Joint Resolution 1114 (SJR 1114) proposes the repeal of a constitutional provision requiring public campaign financing for statewide candidates who adhere to spending limits.

A joint resolution proposing or repealing an amendment to the Florida Constitution must be approved by a three-fifths vote of the membership of each legislative house. After legislative approval, the proposed amendment is placed on the ballot for approval by the voters in the next general election. If the amendment is approved by at least 60% of the voters, it becomes part of the Florida Constitution.

Public financing of statewide races in Florida is important for several reasons:

  • Reduces Influence of Special Interests: Public financing can help reduce the influence of special interests and big money in politics. Candidates who rely on public financing are less likely to be beholden to wealthy donors or special interest groups, allowing them to focus on representing the interests of the public.
  • Promote Fairness and Equity: Public financing promotes fairness and equity in elections by providing all candidates with a level playing field. Without public financing, wealthy candidates or those with access to large campaign contributions may have an unfair advantage over other candidates who lack such resources.This can help ensure that the cabinet reflects the diversity of the population it serves.
  • Promote Civic Engagement: Public financing can promote civic engagement by encouraging more people to participate in the electoral process.

Overall, public financing of cabinet races in Florida can help promote a more representative government by reducing the influence of money in politics and promoting fairness and equity in elections. Our democracy depends on fair and transparent elections. Let's stand together to protect public financing for statewide races in Florida.


We're urging Florida League members to contact their Senator and ask them to vote NO on SJR 1114.


Tell your state Senator to vote NO on SJR 1114 and save public financing of statewide races.


Click here to use a tool to find your State Senator's contact information.

Want to go a step further?

Consider contacting all of Florida's state Senators about your opposition to this legislation. Click here for a list of all Senate members contact information.


Issues referenced by this action alert: 
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Voter Services