LWVAC is launching a "What You Can Do" (WYCD) campaign where we share a series of action plans. With so much happening on the national stage, these action plans are intended to encourage you to respond to the daily breach of the rule of law and the separation of powers. Read more about this campaign here.
CURRENT ACTION: February 28 Economic Blackout Day
A grassroots organization, 50501, is organizing a variety of actions across the country in protest of anti-democratic and illegal actions in our nation’s capital. On February 28, they are calling for a nationwide economic boycott. Our local WYCD Campaign encourages Alachua County to participate. The idea is to not make purchases from large corporations.
Making purchases from small, local businesses is encouraged, but to participate in the boycott, don’t make any purchases from corporations. No purchases of gas, groceries from corporate stores, Amazon, big box stores – you get the picture. The aim is to make a statement that the public objects to the dissolution of the branches of our government and turning over our government to unelected wealthy persons. Make a statement to the wealthy – we are their bread and butter. Put Feb. 28 on your calendar and boycott corporate purchases.
This is a moment to take stock of your own routine purchasing choices. COVID and current events teach us the value that goes beyond the dollar in supporting local businesses and local farmers. Buying locally supports our neighbors who are business owners, our creativity, our sense of give-and-take with our community and the availability and quality of the food we eat. Here’s a link or copy and paste https://ask.aclib.us/faq/67821 to find the schedule of farmer’s markets in Alachua County. Of note, the Thursday market at Heartwood has closed.