All Alachua County Articles

Group of students holding gold medals

In April, LWV of Alachua County, together with Alachua County Public Schools, co-hosted the sixth annual Civics Challenge. The competition helps prepare seventh-grade students for their end-of-year exam while shining a spotlight on those students who excel in the study of our government. There are both in-person and virtual events and High Springs once again emerged as this year's overall champions. As a member of the League, your money and volunteers make this day possible by providing t-shirts, trophies, transportation, and food for the competitors. In addition, your funding has helped to pay for the online platform used to run the virtual competition. There is a proposal to expand the event to include high school students in the future. Read the full article for a detailed account of this important event.

LWV Logo with Oak Hammock 10th Anniversary April 29 2023 Text

On Saturday, April 29, 2023, the Oak Hammock Committee hosted a 10th Anniversary Celebration. About 65 people gathered to mark the milestone.

gas stove

UPDATED: 05/05/23: On March 9th, the gas rebate issue finally went before the City Commission. GRU presented their reasons for wanting to retain the rebate program and Utility Advisory Board (UAB) chair Barry Jacobson gave excellent rebuttals to their arguments. However, the commission decided to take no action so the rebate program will remain in place for now and we do not expect any changes to the program in the near future. In addition, market forces are aligned against future home gas use and, while it will take longer than we would like, we believe the gas rebate program will eventually die from attrition.

On May 11, we expect the commission will hear a presentation from GRU on gas infrastructure plans and their reasons for continued expansion of gas pipelines in western Alachua County. We are against adding more gas infrastructure for the same reasons we are against the rebate program and will be redirecting our efforts toward preventing this expansion. Additionally, given that federal policy and market forces are currently running counter to the use of residential use of natural gas, investing in more gas infrastructure makes no financial sense for GRU.

Power lines silhouetted by orange and blue sky

In this April 30th article, Gainesville Commissioner Bryan Eastman calls out the lies, misdirection, and falsehoods of the GRU Takeover Bill and provides sources for his information.

He covers the following often-cited falsehoods:

Powerlines in background with purple overlay and LWV logo in circle
by Janice Garry, LWV of Alachua County President

published 4/24/23

Power lines silhouetted by orange and blue sky

Proposed legislation threatens the climate goals of Gainesville Regional Utilities

By David Hastings, Suwannee St Johns Sierra Club

April 25, 2023

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
As many of you know, the LWV fiscal and administrative year concludes at the end of May. Our Bylaws require that we provide materials to you, the full membership, prior to the Annual Meeting, which takes place on May 23rd at 5:30 p.m...

Multi-colored hand graphics with heart cut out in palm with April 2023 Volunteer Appreciation Week text

Volunteers are the heart and soul of any volunteer organization, and the League of Women Voters of Alachua County (LWVAC) is no exception.

Title Slide for Book Banning: Needed or Noxious

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, the Oak Hammock Committee Meeting hosted Paul Lightcap, Sr.

An image primarily made up of text depicting the following:  FLORIDA VOTERS MUST RE-REQUEST VOTE-BY-MAIL BALLOTS

All vote-by-mail requests expired on December 31, 2022. Everyone Must Re-register for Vote-by-Mail. No voter’s Vote-by-Mail ballot status rolls over into the 2023 & 2024 Election Cycles. The law has changed, and everyone must now re-enroll in Vote-by-Mail.
