Alachua County Subscribed Articles

Alachua County Subscribed Articles

Public Statement

The Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights (VACIR), the League of Women Voters of Virginia (LWVVA), and African Communities Together (ACT) are disappointed and alarmed the Supreme Court of the United States has allowed Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin to wrongfully remove qualified voters from the voting rolls less than one week before a federal election.

Blog Post

Bringing a toddler to the polls is not for the faint of heart. I do it anyway because I want them to see democracy and voting in action — even if they spend part of our trip trying unsuccessfully to use the ballot-marking device or playing with the pens in the voting booth.

Public Statement

This statement has been corrected to reflect that the drop boxes in Oregon and Washington are not USPS drop boxes.

The League of Women Voters of the United States, condemns, in the strongest terms, the intentional burning of ballot boxes in Oregon, Washington, and Arizona.

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of the United States, condemns, in the strongest terms, the intentional burning of USPS ballot boxes in Oregon, Washington, and Arizona.

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of the United States condemns the racist and sexist statements made during former President Donald Trump’s recent campaign rally at Madison Square Garden in New York.

Public Statement

AMHERST, MA — With reproductive issues central in campaign messaging and voters’ decision-making as Americans cast their ballots in the 2024 elections, a new national University of Massachusetts Amherst/League of Women Voters Poll finds that two-thirds of Americans oppose potential national bans on abortion and in vitro fertilization (IVF). 

Public Statement

Today, the VACIR, LWVVA and ACT successfully defended naturalized Americans who were unfairly targeted in Virginia’s illegal and last-minute purge program. 

Public Statement

The League is at the forefront of the most important federal and state voting rights litigation across the US. Here’s a list of the top 5 election-related legal cases you should know about this week. 

Public Statement

Topline results and crosstabs for the poll can be found at

Blog Post

Voting is one of the most important ways we can shape our future and reinforce our democratic principles. But sometimes the process can feel intimidating. One way to feel more confident when you go to the polls is to know your Election Day rights.  
