April 15, 2023
Dear Members,
As many of you know, the LWV fiscal and administrative year concludes at the end of May. Our Bylaws require that we provide materials to you, the full membership, prior to the Annual Meeting, which takes place on May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Since we have several board and other members who will be traveling, the meeting will take place on Zoom to allow them to participate. We miss meeting in person! Perhaps next year circumstances will allow an in-person meeting.
This Voter contains all of the materials to be discussed and voted on by meeting attendees, including the 2023-2024 Budget, Local Program, Officer Nominations, and updated Bylaws. A lot of work has gone into revising the Bylaws to add clarity. We hope this will benefit our League. Please take twenty minutes to review the materials and be ready to vote on May 23rd. If you have any questions about the items up for a vote, please let me know.
Florida's legislative session has been a busy one already, with many controversial bills moving through the process. Our League is especially concerned about the GRU Takeover Bill, HB 1645, which would substitute GRU governance from our elected city commission to governor appointees. See our Action Alert for how you can help stop the GRU Takeover Bill. It's time to be an activist!
Our league has had a busy, productive year and each of you can be proud to be a part of the work. At the Annual Meeting, we will be unveiling a newly formed Health Care Committee. Plan on attending to hear the good news.
info [at] lwv-alachua.org