President's Message, December 2022

President's Message, December 2022

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Blog Post

December 15, 2022

Dear Members,

Want to add some cheer to the holiday season? Scroll down and read the impact our league has had on our community during the election season. You’ll see by the numbers that our community depends on us for information so they can become informed voters. From comments when I’m out and about, I can tell you that our league is held in the highest regard. Thank you for your part in this uplifting effort.

What, you say, you’d like more holiday cheer? Then join the Natural Resources and Janice team to protect the water you drink. Some 80% of Florida springs are polluted and have lessened water levels. It seems self-evident that both people and wildlife need water, but that precious resource is treated as a commodity rather than an essential element of life. A group, the Florida Right to Clean Water, has launched a campaign to put a constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot that would make it a fundamental right of Floridians to have clean water. Civic penalties could be engaged if state agencies harmed or threatened to harm Florida’s waters. The LWF of Florida has joined the campaign, and so has the Alachua County League. I have taken the position of Captain for Alachua County to obtain the needed 400 signed petitions per week from now until March 1. What can you do?

  1. Read and sign the petition, which must be a hard copy.
  2. info [at] (Contact me) to sign a petition and obtain blank petitions.
  3. Have family and friends sign petitions.
  4. Take petitions to your book club or local groups to obtain signatures, and
  5. Attend events where petitions can be signed.
  6. Return all hard copy signed petitions to me.

My holiday wish is for no less than ten people to contact me and offer to help. Ho! Ho! Ho! Be Santa Claus!

Heartfelt wishes for you and those you love to enjoy a festive and joyful holiday season!

In League,

info [at]

Issues referenced by this article: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County