November 15, 2021
Dear Members,
There are many important things happening that require your attention. It's time to gear up for the Legislative session. While the session begins January 2021, committee meetings are taking place now and being closely monitored by LWVFL. You should receive the Capitol Report from the LWVFL reporting on the various legislative committees. Please read these and take action as requested by LWVFL.
Diane Dimperio, our League’s point person on redistricting, has been presenting articles each month in the Voter, and they are worth your attention. In this month’s article, Diane points out that, “The drawing of new state and federal legislative seats will determine the partisan balance of power for the next decade in the Florida legislature and possibly in the U.S. Congress.” This is important. All of the redistricting articles are on our website. Please read these and share them with your friends and others interested in ensuring that as populations grow and change, every Florida voter can have equal representation and equal voice in government.
Please also feel free to share the Voter and our website and Facebook page with friends who might be interested in the issues addressed by League. Encourage them to join and become active in our League. Our success as a League in addressing issues we care about is only as productive as the efforts of our members. If you are concerned with the issues of voter rights, social justice, natural resources/climate change, local issues, education, etc., please join the committee(s) of your choice and become active in the issues. Connie Nicklin, Voter Editor, will be introducing our various committees each month. We hope you will find a committee or committees of interest and become an active member. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments on what you would like to see happening in LWVAC.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. See you in League!
info [at] lwv-alachua.org