September 15, 2024
Dear Members,
In the last week, a journalist with the Independent Florida Alligator interviewed League members for a story on how the LWVAC is getting out the vote, the Gainesville Iguana has accepted a story from me that is chock full of voting information, and the Haile newsletter ran a prominent ad encouraging people to go to the League’s VOTE411.org site for information on ballot issues.
And we are working with Main Street Daily News to have 2,000 League Voter Guide inserts going to drop boxes all over the county. The vision of blanketing our community with information about ballot issues is coming to fruition. Well done to all who contributed!
We have set Oct. 20 as the date for the annual fall luncheon, but we could use help from those who enjoy arranging events: table decorations, set-up, program planning, that sort of thing. info [at] lwv-alachua.org (Contact us) if you can help.
If you have a couple hours or a couple days, we need you! Opportunities are pouring in for tabling at fun events (vote [at] lwv-alachua.org (contact Voter Services)), Speakers Bureau presentations (info [at] lwv-alachua.org (contact Candy)) and distributing voter guides (info [at] lwv-alachua.org (contact me)). We have a scant eight weeks until the election. Let’s Get Out the Vote!
info [at] lwv-alachua.org