LWVFL Presents: National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - What, How, and WHY?

LWVFL Presents: National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - What, How, and WHY?

National Popular Vote event graphic
Monday, March 25, 2024 - 1:00pm

LWVFL is hosting a free 30-minute information session about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact entitled, “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact: What, How, and WHY? ”

A National Popular Vote would eliminate the “winner-take-all” practice prevalent in most states, which invalidates the popular votes of millions of Americans—sometimes the majority, in fact.  Come hear a short presentation (30 minutes) get all your questions answered by two knowledgeable Floridian for National Popular Vote steering committee members.  

If you believe that every vote should count equally, then this presentation will open your eyes to what is actually happening in U.S. Presidential elections.

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Voter Services