Volunteer Opportunity: Tabling at the Gainesville Pride Festival

Volunteer Opportunity: Tabling at the Gainesville Pride Festival

Three women at LWV table with red table cloth
Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 12:00pm to 8:00pm


Bo Diddley Plaza
111 E University Ave
Gainesville Florida 32601
Florida US

LWV of Alachua County is tabling at the Gainesville Pride Festival. Join us to assist attendees with voter registration (training required) and voter education. 

Gainesville Pride Festival is a vibrant celebration of love, diversity, and community coming together to support LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. Enjoy a day filled with fabulous entertainment, delicious food trucks, and a variety of vendors offering unique products and services. The event is sponsored in part by The City of Gainesville, Visit Gainesville/Alachua County, and the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (GCRA).

Contact Voter Services to volunteer! 


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