Governors Council Candidate Forum

Governors Council Candidate Forum


Governors Council Candidate Forum

Change of Date & Time

August 30, 2022  4:00 --  5:00 pm

There will be no live viewing

Recording may be viewed online after 5 pm on August 31, 2022

through Vimeo at

Did you know there is a contested race on our ballot for our District’s representative on the Governor’s Council? The Governor’s Council also called the Executive Council, consists of 8 elected officials (each for a 2-year term) and the Lieutenant Governor who meet weekly to record advice and consent on warrants for the state treasury, pardons, and commutations, and on numerous gubernatorial appointments. Concord and Carlisle are part of the 3rd District, along with 30 other communities. Of the 32 communities, there are 24 with League affiliations who are all co-sponsoring this forum. It will include an introduction by high school students with information about the Governor’s Council.

If you have questions that you would like asked during this forum, please send them to voterservice [at] Let’s get good participation from Concord and Carlisle!

A link to the recording of the forum will be available on after it is posted.