All Washtenaw County Articles

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Good News! The Army Corps of Engineers is requiring that the proposed Enbridge Tunnel undergoes a full environmental review, thanks in part to concerned citizens like you asking the Army Corps to require this review.  


The Michigan Senate Oversight Committee consisting of four Republicans and one Democrat issued its report today (June 22, 2021) stating that following extensive review,


The Equity Challenge is a commitment to devote 10-15 minutes a day for 21 days to learn about the history and impacts of racism in Washtenaw County and the different ways that bias, prejudice, privilege, and oppression show up in our everyday lives.

LWV Michigan

LANSING – The League of Women Voters of Michigan today condemned the Michigan Senate’s passage of bills to make voting more difficult.  

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Two LWV U.S. webinars will explain the For the People Act and how you can support election reform.  They are open to everyone.


 From the May League Links (LWVMI newsletter)

...We are monitoring everything that is happening, providing testimony, and working with coalition partners to assure these proposals are defeated.


 "...Michigan truly is an outlier by allowing organizers to bypass both a popular vote and a governor's veto by collecting signatures equal to only 8% of the votes cast for governor in the preceding election...."   


CLICK HERE to view the recording. Our guest, Jonathan Brater, JD, is Director of Elections for the State of Michigan, where he oversees imp

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This year, Michigan will use a revolutionary new process for creating election districts for Congress and the state house and senate.

Public Statement

WASHINGTON & MINNEAPOLIS – Today the League of Women Voters of the United States issued the following joint statement with the League of Women Voters of Minnesota and the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis in response to the conviction of G
