All Washtenaw County Articles


We oppose all efforts and tactics that threaten our democracy and limit the ability of voters to exercise their right to vote. Michigan's election results have been certified, although not without controversy.


The Michigan Democratic Party issued a statement saying the meeting would be livestreamed to keep everyone safe. 


Couldn't get to Brews & Views on Wed Nov 18?   Check out our YouTube channel to view the recording.  It was a stimulating conversation with law Prof.


The County Board of Canvassers decides who wins for elections totally within their jurisdiction and the State Board of Canvassers for all other elections – that’s who. 


Ever wonder what happens to your ballot after it disappears into the tabulator?  Bridge Michigan, the on-line newsletter of the Center For Michigan has published the

Vote yardsign

What should I do if I see voter intimidation?  What’s the difference between poll watchers and challengers? How can a homeless person cast a ballot?  


It's not too late.  They were recorded on Zoom and can be viewed on demand.
