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News Wins Webby People's Voice Award for Best Government & Civil Innovation Website

Last chance to read the personal or family stories about voting or view the timeline of the suffrage movement.   Click HERE


Technology overcame social distancing for the April 2020 Virtual Brews & Views.  We reached an audience of 96 viewers for a terrific presentation.

Donna Crudder

To:League of Women Voters of the Ann Arbor Area

 So much has happened since we began working full force on the Census, Centennial and the Election that it has made a whirlwind of the last few months.


There is no question that the Covid-19 pandemic presents a difficult and, in many ways, unprecedented challenge to America’s elections.

MI Citizens Redistricting Comm

According to the Secretary of State’s office, over 6,000 Michigan citizens have applied to be on the ICRC.


In these times of uncertainty and physical distancing, standing together is critical. Completing the census (and getting out the count) are two actions we can take to sup


 Michigan will hold a State and Local primary election August 5th and the nation will vote in the general election November 3rd.  How to conduct these elections in the midst of a pandemic will require action.
