LWVSTL Holiday Gifts!

LWVSTL Holiday Gifts!

image for holiday gift

Need a gift for someone who has everything?

Worried about holiday shipping delays?

Give the gift of civic engagement this festive season!

Connect a person in your life to the work of the LWVSTL. Bring your friend, your neighbor, your spouse, your mom/daughter/sister/aunt into our St. Louis League with the gift of a League membership. For the young activist in your life, give a Future Voter gift package! 

League Gift Membership - annual................................$75  
(includes a holiday card and a LWV button)
League Gift Membership CardMembership Button
Student Gift Membership - annual...............................$30     
(ages 16+, includes holiday card and a LWV button)
Student Gift Membership CardMembership Button
League Future Voter Gift Package...............................$30   
(ages 10-15, includes set of suffragist bookmarks, suffragist colorbook, a suffragist pin and a LWV button)
Future Voter Gift Package Card Future Voter Gift Package
To order, please complete this form and mail with payment to 8706 Manchester Rd., Suite 104, St. Louis, MO 63144-2733. 
To order online, please use the PayPal button below!

Gift Options
Name of Gift Recipient(s):
Shipping Address: