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Rankin Statue at MT State Capitol

At the Capitol with Jeannette Rankin

Helena Area LWV members gather around the statue of Jeannette Rankin at the Montana State Capitol

Image of Scroll with Preamble to MT Constitution

Montana State Constitution

Revised in 1972 with the help of the League of Women Voters of Montana.

The League's one-stop resource for voters to register to vote, find election information, and read candidate surveys.  Find local, state and federal election resources.

Montana State Capitol

Montana State Capitol

Our state's capitol building with tribal flags waving.


Bozeman - Sweet Pea Parade 2021

Bozeman - 2021 Sweet Pea Parade

photo of people in white around statue of Jeannette Rankin in Montana Capitol

100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment Celebration

100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment Ratification celebration honoring suffragist Jeannette Rankin in the Montana state Capitol building.  Helena League hosted, with members from other Leagues attending.  

Birthday Postcard for 18-year-olds to encourage them to vote

Encouraging the Youth Vote

A people-powered democracy depends on citizens exercising their right to vote.  Especially young, first-time voters.

League of Women Voters Logo

Montana PRIDE Parade 2022

League of Women Voters Making Democracy Strong


The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, seeks to defend and improve our democracy, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. 


Note to members: Active LWV members are encouraged to register (see top right of screen) to access the MEMBERS-ONLY CONTENT on this website. All those registering will be verified before their access is approved.  After you register, please send an email to montanalwv [at] to notify us that you have registered. Check back in a day or two and log in. 


If you are not currently a member and would like to join, please visit the JOIN THE LEAGUE webpage.


Future Land Use
Event Date: 
03/27/2025 - 5:00pm
Event location: 

Lewis & Clark Library

Planning officials from Lewis and Clark County and the cities of Helena and East Helena have been writing joint zoning and land use plans to handle projected growth.

Bill McKibben Lecture
Event Date: 
09/10/2024 - 5:00pm
Event location: 

Emerson Center for the Arts and Culture

Listen to the audio recording of Bill McKibben's talk:

Preserving our Democracy roundtable event
Event Date: 
08/07/2024 - 6:30pm
Event location: 

Carroll College

Misinfo Quote

Understanding and Debunking Mis- and Disinformation

Know the difference between ...

Misinformation: When one believes something is accurate, but in reality, it is not.(Your sister says that the latest local bill will raise taxes because that’s what she heard from a trusted friend.)
Disinformation: When one knows something to be untrue but shares it anyway.(Your sister lies that the latest local bill will raise taxes because she knows that’s the only way you won’t support it.)

image of Montana state capitol building with flower beds in foreground

The 2023 Montana legislative session included many attempts to weaken the independence and non-partisanship of Montana’s Judicial branch of government. How widely were these actions supported by Montana voters? On December 4, the League of Women Voters released the results of a public opinion poll done in collaboration with Montana Public Interest Research Group (MontPIRG) and administered by the HELPS Lab at Montana State University-Bozeman. Here are the results!

Image of Scroll with Preamble to MT Constitution

LWV Montana is hosting a signature campaign "Show Support for Our Montana Constitution." You can add your name to the Declaration of Support here!

Women Delegates at the 1972 Montana State Constitution

2022 marked the 50th anniversary of Montana's Constitution. Learn more about our Constitution and why it was heralded as a national model for state constitutions. Watch presentations recently recorded with prominent speakers. Join us as we celebrate our unique state constitution and encourage Montanans to know what it contains and why it is important for present and future generations.

collage of faces of many different people from all backgrounds
Research & Studies

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a priority for LWV Montana. Check out this page for resources to help your League act!

image of the Statue of liberty in front of flag, with Equal Rights Amendment - It's Time

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the United States Constitution guaranteeing equal rights regardless of sex has never been ratified - but we are on the brink! With Virginia ratifying the ERA in January, 2020, the required 38 states have ratified. All we need now is for the Senate to pass legislation removing the deadline.