Call for an End to Gerrymandering Today

Call for an End to Gerrymandering Today

Graphic with a sign that says "Fair Maps" and the text "End Gerrymandering. Every Vote Must Count," followed by "Contact my Legislators"
Time Range For Action Alert: 
April 29, 2021

Do you want to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin? Today, April 29, is a national People Powered Day of Action, and you have the opportunity to join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, redistricting advocates and Leagues from around the country in demanding a nonpartisan, transparent redistricting process in 2021.

Now is the time to make our voices heard and show our support for a nonpartisan mapping process and achieve voting districts that are representative of our communities and interests. Our goal is to send 10,000 emails to state senators and state assembly representatives, and we need your help!

Tell your legislators why you deserve a nonpartisan and transparent redistricting process by using this customizable email template. Here are a few things to remember while filling out the template:

  • Do not make any changes within the brackets. By filling in your full name and address, the fields "[@advFirst]", "[@advLast]" and "[@advCity]" will be automatically filled in with your information.
  • There is no need to send two emails. Both your State Senate and State Assembly legislators appear when you enter your address. An email will be sent personally to both lawmakers when you hit "Send Email."
  • Customize your message. To have more of an impact, please add additional information about how long you have lived in Wisconsin, and how gerrymandering has impacted your community. For more information on the consequences of gerrymandering in Wisconsin, please view this document.
  • Share this campaign with your networks. Please pass along the email template to your networks on social media or otherwise. There will be an option to share on Facebook and Twitter in the template. Use #PeoplePoweredAction2021 in any social media posts.

Please contact Morgan Grunow, LWVWI communications manager, if you have any questions, at mgrunow [at] (). 

Issues referenced by this action alert: