LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee

LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee

League members take action on issues where we have studied the topic and have reached conclusions that are embodied in our positions. Our Action/Advocacy Committee meets monthly (see Calendar of Events). Recent activities have included advocacy for affordable housing proposals in several cities, support of extending the county healthcare plan to undocumented immigrants, and statements on the Concord Naval Weapons Station re-use plans. 

Action Committee meeting notes are posted below for League members only. Remember to log in to view the notes. (The notes can also be viewed on the Members Only page, which can be accessed from the left navigation menu once you are logged in.) 

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Mary Schreiber
Contact Number: 
League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley

All Posts Related to this Committee

Suffrage, 19thamendment, votingrights, lwv, coin

Action Alerts

To see current LWVUS (national) and LWVCA (state) alerts, click the Read More button.

Vote with the League!

LWV doesn't endorse parties or candidates, but we do take positions on ballot measures based on current program positions and/or on League principles. Here are our voting recommendations for the statewide propositions on the 2024 ballot.

Soul Box project

LWVDV member Lisa Dell’Anno has brought the Soul Box project to Contra Costa County. Thousands of little origami boxes have been created across the country. Each one carries the name of a gunfire victim or a person impacted by gun violence, and an image or a message of protest or hope.

One Person, One Vote

The Electoral College is a racist relic designed to take power from the people. The League of Women Voters is working to abolish the Electoral College and move towards an electoral system by the people and for the people.


These are the internal minutes notes from the Action Committee Meeting.


These are the internal minutes notes from the Action Committee Meeting. (Members Only).

Event Date: 
May 18 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Event location: 


This is the regular meeting of the Action-Advocacy Committee. Attend and learn about issues that concern our League.

Event Date: 
Apr 20 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Event location: 


This is the regular meeting of the Action-Advocacy Committee. Attend and learn about issues that concern our League.


These are the internal minutes notes from the Action Committee Meeting. (Members Only).

Event Date: 
Mar 16 2024 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Event location: 


This is the regular meeting of the Action-Advocacy Committee. Attend and learn about issues that concern our League.
