LWV Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc.

LWV Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization, works to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.


 NC GOP Judge Jefferson Griffin’s election case targets people who voted early and/or used absentee ballots. Please review the list of 60,000 voters Griffin has targetted sorted by county, and fill out this form if you or someone you know is on the list. The League of Women Voters of North Carolina is committed to standing up for voters' rights, and we are fighting in the courts to ensure that legitimately cast votes are counted. Thank you for reviewing the list and helping us defend voters' rights and continue to ensure the public's confidence in our state’s elections. 

Notes of Interest

  • To translate English into another language on this website, select Language menu at bottom of sidebar. Para traducir inglés a otro idioma, seleccione Idioma, menú en la parte inferior de la barra lateral.
  • Read current and past LWVODC Newsletters and Updates on the Members Only webpage. If you haven't logged into the website before, or forgot your login information, it can be found at New Members.

Urge Congress to:

Work together to protect the right to vote! Contact Congress Today. The Right to Vote is nonpartisan!

Current News Events

Check LWVODC Events Calendar for the latest events.

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Did You Know?

NC citizens do not have the right to collect signatures to put constitutional amendments or new laws on the ballot?  The state legislature has sole power over proposing constitutional amendments or new laws. LWVODC members are encouraged to participate in LWVODC & LWVNC Citizen Initiative and Referendum (CIR) Study. This is an essential step toward putting a League CIR position in place, so we can advocate for its adoption in NC. Read More

What You Can Do To Make A Difference

  • Support Fair Elections & Redistricting Reform
  • Improve Public Schools
    • Join our Team!  Check the Events Calendar for monthly and special meetings. Be informed. LWVODC believes strongly that high quality public education for all children is necessary to sustain our democratic way of life and the economic health of our state and the people.

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 Statue of Liberty 

The Learning Center

The Learning Center webpage offers a way to stay abreast of current topics about our government, voting rights, and the state of our democracy. This page serves as a library for past lectures and virtual events that have been hosted by the LWVODC.

Check LWVODC Google Calendar for Meetings and Events 


Have questions about voting? Or questions about the League? Reach out to us today!

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.