

Donate button

Thank you for considering a donation to the League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc. Along with member dues, donations support the important work we do. 

Our league manages two separate organizations to which you can contribute. We welcome gifts to either/both.

  • League of Women Voters of Orange Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc. (LWVODC) - LWVODC is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation. It is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and influences public policy through education, advocacy, and lobbying. Gifts to LWVODC are not tax deductible. Use the information on this page to donate to the LWVODC.
  • The League of Women Voters of Orange Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc., Education Fund - The Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and is the nonpartisan educational arm of LWVODC. It provides funding for research and publications and enables LWVODC to hold forums and to disseminate information and training to citizens. It is not permitted to lobby. Gifts to the LWVODC Education Fund are tax deductible. To make a tax deductible donation, donate to the Education Fund.

Donation levels

We suggest the following donation levels for your consideration:

  • Champions of Democracy: $250+
  • Leaders of Freedom: $101 - $249
  • Protectors of the Vote: $50 - $100
  • Friends of Fair Elections: $20 - $49

Donate online

We use PayPal to process online donations. You may donate using a PayPal account if you have one, or with a debit or credit card.

Donate to LWVODC

Donate by check

If you prefer to pay by check, download and complete the LWVODC donation form. Make your check payable to LWVODC. Mail the form and check to:

P.O. Box 3397
Chapel Hill NC 27515-3397

Thank you for donating!