Member Resources

Member Resources

Membership graphic

Thank you for your membership! We work year-round to register voters, host community forums and debates, and provide voters with important election information. We engage at the local and state levels on legislative priorities and efforts to improve our elections and protect our democracy. As league members, we:

  • Encourage informed and active participation in government
  • Work to increase understanding of major public policy issues
  • Influence public policy through education and advocacy

We currently have three important areas of study and action: Fair ElectionsPublic Education, and Voter Services. Here are a few ways you can get started as a member:

The links on this page provide just a few resources available to League members. We encourage you to explore the national (LWVUS) and LWVNC web sites for additional information. In addition to reviewing these resources, we encourage you to browse our past events and watch the videos of informative LWVODC and LWVNC talks on a wide range of topics.


LWVUS provides a wealth of resources to Leagues and League members. Below are just a few resources. Explore their website for more.


Below are resources specific to LWVODC. Contact us if you can't find what you're looking for.

Event Planning
