What We Do

What We Do


We encourage LWVODC members to get involved and volunteer in one of the many activities the League is involved in locally. Please contact us if you are interested in any of these opportunities.

Join an Action Policy Team

LWVODC teams are active with the following policy-related activities:

County Opportunities

Unique opportunities for volunteering exist in each of the counties our League represents. Read more about the Orange, Durham and Chatham County Units.

Become a Communications Ambassador

Help get the word out about LWVODC events to as many communities in Orange, Durham and Chatham counties as possible by volunteering to be an LWVODC Communications Ambassador (CCA). For LWVODC public events, CCAs will receive an email with a pre-formatted announcement that can be posted to NextDoor or shared on community email lists. Interested? Sign up here.

Observe County Board of Election Meetings

Orange, Durham, and Chatham County Board of Elections (BOE) meetings are open to the public. Observers are welcome; read more about observing on the League of Women of North Carolina site. Observers learn a great deal about how the BOE works to make elections fair, secure, and accessible. Developing an ongoing relationship between the local Board and the League is an excellent foundation for substantive two-way communication. Below is the meeting schedule for each county. 

  • Chatham: See website3rd Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m., 984 Thompson St., Suite D, Pittsboro
  • Durham: See website; 2nd Thursday of each month, 5:30 p.m., 3825 S. Roxboro Street, Suite 101, Durham
  • Orange: See website1st Tuesday of the month, 5 p.m., 208 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough

New Member Outreach

Do you enjoy talking to people on the phone? If so, this volunteer opportunity is just right for you. Call new members and welcome them to the League! You will be provided with League background information, information on future League meetings, and a short membership questionnaire to share with the new member.

Program Planning Team 

Do you enjoy brainstorming, planning, and organizing or producing events? Work with inspired League members on presentations and events about voting, education, redistricting, or other topics relevant to our three counties.