Public Education Action Team

Public Education Action Team

Child loading on bus

Meetings I Updates I Pub Ed Positions  I Forums and Webinars I Links to MediaResources I Organizations I Background Information

Team Leaders and Mission

Zena AlmaMary Kolek
The League of Women Voters (LWV) believes strongly that high quality public education for all children is necessary to sustain our democratic way of life and the economic health of our state and the people. Having studied education issues at the national, state and local levels for many decades, the LWV concludes that adequate funding is essential to the ability of the state to provide and sustain such an education. Members interested in advocacy on behalf of public education are invited to join the LWVODC Public Education Action Team. 
In addition, most of the public policy issues in public education are state level issues, so we aim to nurture and expand our contacts with other NC LWV members. LWVNC Public Policy Positions document contains their Public Education policies and positions. We also seek to develop and maintain contacts with our four local school districts. Three are county districts and one is a municipal district.  

Monthly Meetings

Except for holidays, the LWVODC Public Education Action Team meets monthly via Zoom on the first Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. Check our Events Calendar for updates on our monthly meetings.


March 2024
The NC Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Feb. 22, 2024, in the ongoing Leandro litigation. The case dates from the early 1990s and concerns the adequacy of funding public education in North Carolina. Although adjudicated and recently settled
by the NC Supreme Court, a change in court composition resulted in them rehearing the case. Highly unusual. 
The way forward on the Leandro case is still unclear. For more information, visit EdNC and Public Schools First.
March 2023 

Way forward on Leandro case unclear after most recent hearing. Alex Granados, EdNC

September 15, 2022 
Several of the topics we have followed and discussed as local issues are now beginning to be recognized as public education issues nationwide.  Examples include:
  • learning loss as a result of Covid-related school closings 
  • book banning and right wing attacks on the school curriculum  
  • teacher and school personnel shortages and 
  • educator salaries.

 We continue to follow the issue of NC school funding and the Leandro decision.  Another issue of local concern is the method of assigning NC school performance grades. In our team’s meetings with local school superintendents flaws in the current accountability model have been of concern.  

According to a recent report by EdNC, the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has convened an advisory group to redesign the school accountability model used to assign performance grades to NC public schools. The advisory group will meet between now and January ahead of the long session in the N.C. General Assembly. The group met virtually on Thursday, Sept. 8, and then in person on Monday, Sept. 12. It will meet virtually in October, November, and December, and then in person again in January 2023.

Learn more at: DPI convenes advisory group on testing and accountability

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Public Education Positions in Brief

LWVUS: Supports federal policies that provide an equitable, quality public education for all children pre-K through grade 12.

LWVNC: Supports full access to a PK-12 public education that prepares every student for future global citizenship and which is considered a basic right not subject to discrimination on any basis. The LWV NC:

  • Supports full implementation of the West Education Report (Comprehensive Remedial Plan) priorities.
  • Supports enacting policies, standards and practices that promote equity of opportunity and access while recognizing that diversity of professionals and students is a positive factor.

Forums and Webinars



Links to Media

As we cope with the effects of school closures due to the Covid19 pandemic a number of journalists and organizations provide current news and perspectives on education in North Carolina.

Resources and Documents

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Resource Information and Materials

Local Public School Districts


  • Organizations staying abreast of education news, policies and events is critical and we encourage readers to subscribe to newsletters from one or more of those organizations whose mission includes public school advocacy.

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Background Information