Supporting the League is Easy!
We know that you want to support the many valuable organizations doing good work in our communities! So, we've made supporting the League easy with a monthly giving option which helps us to balance our budget, or a one-time giving option. All donations are needed and appreciated!
Click the dropdown menu below to see our giving levels. You do not need to have a Paypal account to give online with a credit card. Choose checkout in the payment gateway (instead of Paypal Checkout). You may also send a check to LWVSTL at 8706 Manchester Rd., Suite 104, St. Louis, MO 63144. We honor and appreciate your generous support.
All donations to the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis are tax deductible as donations to a 501(c)3 public charity. A receipt will be sent to your email address if you give online, or your mailing address if you send a gift to our office.
One-Time Giving |
Monthly Giving(Select your level of support)
Year-End Giving and Bequests
Donations to LWVSTL are tax-deductible and may reduce your tax liability. Check out this information on year-end giving options.
Throughout the League's history, bequests large and small have played a critical role in providing for the League's immediate needs and inspiring us to undertake new projects and challenges.
A gift to the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis qualifies for a federal estate tax deduction and will support the League’s voter service and citizen education. A bequest can be an ideal way to honor a loved one or to support particular League activities in perpetuity.
Including the League in your will can be as simple as adding a codicil or amendment to your current will. The following is suggested language for your lawyer to use to draft a bequest to the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis.
“I bequeath to the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis, a charitable trust formed in the State of Missouri, with offices at 8706 Manchester Road, Suite 104, St. Louis, MO 63144, (specify gift amount or property).”
If you would like to specifically support certain League activities, you can specify that the gift is to be used for those activities of the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis. The gift will be transferred to the St. Louis League’s account to be used for the appropriate purposes.
Contact: Jean Dugan, ExecutiveDirector [at] lwvstl.org
What Will My Support Do?
Your support will allow the League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis to continue the vital work of citizen education and advocacy.
Citizen Education and Advocacy looks like:
- League volunteers going to every naturalization ceremony to register new citizens to vote.
- Speaking throughout our region on ISSUES in a non-partisan, fact-based manner.
- Creating a non-partisan Voter's Guide every election cycle and working with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch to distribute over 300,000 copies to citizens in seven counties
- Testifying on behalf on members and citizens to legislative committees.
- Taking collaborative action with community agencies on issues the League holds a position on through community organizing, education, and legal recourse when necessary.
- Contributing fact-based, non-partisan moderation at candidate forums for elected office.
Do You Have a Matching Gift Employer?
The League of Women Voters is a 501c3 organization. Some companies match the gifts that their employees make to nonprofit organizations like ours. Please check with your Human Resources Department to determine if your company participates in a gift matching program.
If you need to see the financial statements for our League, please our latest 990 tax form, or call for more information.
The St. Louis League EIN is 43-1094055.