Orange Coast - President's Blog

Orange Coast - President's Blog

Image of Gavel for President's Blog

President's Public Documents

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Becky Newman
League to which this content belongs: 
Orange Coast

All Posts Related to this Committee

Public Statement

We want to thank our amazing supporters who enable us to continue fighting to Make Democracy Work. The names and the full statement are on the member only page.


Working with Five Laptops and Snacks
Blog Post

It’s a complicated time! Just so you’ll know – COAST is definitely NOT having a summer break!

Here is a brief overview of some of the work being done:

Photo of the Statue of Liberty
Blog Post

Making Democracy Work in Hard Times

  • It has been a tough year throughout the world.
  • It has been a tough time for democracy in our own country.
Sign "Imagine a future free of gun violence" on building
Blog Post

We Cannot Give in to Despair.

Imagine A Future Free of Gun Violence

Filaree Native Plant
Blog Post

Doing More – Finding Joy

Photo of Federal Income Tax Forms
Blog Post

In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes . . . 

Hands Making Heart Shape for Valentine's Day
Blog Post

The Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Let's make this its time!

American Flag backlit by setting sun in field
Blog Post

Celebrating AND Making Democracy Work

December 1, 2021

Photo of Becky and Riley Newman with LWV Banner
Blog Post

“For all that has been – thanks! To all that shall be – Yes!” - Dag Hammarskjold, second Secretary General of the United Nations, 1953-61.

Photo of Quilt Stars and Stripes with a Cherry on Top
Blog Post

Thanksgiving is Coming – Be of Good Cheer!

November 1, 2021