Virtual -- Zoom
See map: Google Maps
Saturday, June 20, 2020 - 9:30am to Sunday, June 21, 2020 - 11:45am
The LWVDV Annual Meeting will be held as a virtual meeting on June 20, 2020. We will elect new board members, adopt a budget and our program priorities for the coming year, consider a change in the bylaws for future Annual Meetings, and have a little fun! See the Agenda and the supporting documents for more information.
Only members who are in good standing as of May 20 will be eligible to participate in any votes. You will be asked by email to RSVP to receive the meeting link. The Zoom link will be sent to all who have registered a few days prior to the meeting.
Check-in time is 9:30 am to give everyone time to meet, greet and adjust their Zoom settings. See you there!
This event is related to which committees:
LWV Diablo Valley Board of Directors