2020 Newsletters
16 December Edition As we step deeply into the holiday season in this most bizarre of years, I wish you, your family, and friends the most joyous and healthy season possible. I know that history will judge the work we did in this presidential year as remarkable. In spite of this tragic pandemic, we used every avenue possible to inform the public of their electoral choices and allowed nothing to stop us from our mission. Being part of that effort is something for which we can all be eternally proud.
2 December Edition I hope you all had a safe and restful Thanksgiving. As we look forward to 2021, I am happy to announce that we are kicking it off with a Membership Meeting and Day of Action. Mark your calendars for January 17th at 2pm, our meeting will be virtual this year but it will go on!
18 November Edition As the world watches dedicated citizens spending hours to count the voice of the people, we can be proud of the role the League took in turning out the highest number of voters in a century. However, we have more work to do.
4 November Edition What a day to have our newsletter scheduled! Obviously, we did not have a clue of the outcome of the election when we closed this. However, with estimates of record early voting, we can safely say that the winner is our voting system.
21 October Edition We still have two weeks of GOTV, Get Out the Vote actions. Shout out to Debby Churchman. One of the many things she is doing is texting Arlingtonians to remind them of early voting. If anyone wants to lend her a hand, just email us.
7 October Edition NOW it is time to switch to texting and phone banking. Our friends at Reclaim the Vote have a “Text PerCent” system established. The targets here are disenfranchised voters mostly in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. Virginia has had a horrible level of disenfranchisement in the past – and the remnants of our ugly history will take a long time to destroy. However, we can begin to make a dent in it.
16 September Edition….and so we hurtle onward to November. People don’t believe me when I say what the LWV of Arlington has accomplished: 30,000 postcards; Hundreds of fliers; 3000 sticky notes on doors of low turn out precincts; Almost 100 yard signs & Posters everywhere....Now we take to the phones.
2 September Edition The seasons are changing. We are now into fall and the traditional thick of the Presidential Election season. Yes, I know it feels like that is what we have been working on this for decades – instead of a few months.
19 August Edition As you read this newsletter you will see many opportunities for voter action – some require contact – some none. Please sign up as you are able.
5 August Edition The “dog days” of summer have a new meaning these days between the heat and illness. However, the work of the League goes on! In fact, we have never been more necessary. Where are you going these days? Do you make a trip to the grocery store, coffee shop, dry cleaner? Don’t leave home without a League vote flier! Contact me and pick up some our fliers and the next time you visit these stores ask them to put on up for the public to see AND, if they have employees, to put one up where they can see it.
15 July Edition It Is Time to Start Spreading the Word About the November Election! Here we go, folks - this is the start of election season. We need all hands on deck - whether you want to drop off materials OR work from your computer. There is something for everyone to do.
1 July Edition Updating League Positions - Your Input Needed As you know, the League of Women Voters is active in advocacy as well as in voter registration and education. However, we only advocate on policy issues on which a League position has been developed. All positions at the local, state, and national levels result from League processes to identify, study, and reach consensus on what the League believes on any given issue, before advocacy even begins.
17 June Edition We are less than five months away from the Presidential elections. That urgency was felt at our meeting on June 8 when more than 50 members tuned in to learn how they can make a difference this year. Join us!
3 June Edition We are kicking 2020 voter registration events into high gear with a planning meeting of the Voter Access Committee on June 8 at 7:00 PM. Please join us – it is all hands-on deck for November – and it starts now.
20 May Edition Thanks to all who came to our first virtual annual meeting. While it was difficult not to see you “for real,” virtual world does make it possible for people who have a hard time getting to meetings to participate. Our brainstorming session yielded many great ideas on how to conduct voter registration/GOTV during Covid ,as well as how we can witness ballots for July 7. The Election Integrity and Voter Access Committees will be working on plans to turn these great ideas into action.
6 May Edition Despite Covid we are holding our annual meeting. We will have a Zoom meeting on May 16 at 10:00 AM. Our speaker will be Chairman of the Virginia Board of Elections, Bob Brink. I am sure he will have much to say about “elections during Covid.” Join us!
15 April Edition If you want to help people in underserved communities, join the NAACP and Reclaim Our Vote to reach African Americans who are being removed from the voting registers in Texas, North Carolina, etc.
1 April Edition It may be April Fool’s Day but there is nothing funny about the Covid 19 pandemic. However, our work continues and has never been more important. As soon as the final ballot for June 9 is established (around April 6) we will be reaching out to condominium and apartment managers and civic associations with information sheets on how to get absentee ballots.
18 March Edition Responding to Emerging Urgent Community Needs :We are in new territory as COVID-19 comes to Arlington, and community needs related to housing and food security are surfacing. We ask our membership to be aware of community appeals in this newsletter.
4 March Edition Our Voter Access Chair, Pam Berg, testified before the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee on behalf of LWV Virginia on the National Popular Vote.
19 February Edition Join us as we march from Monroe Park to the Virginia State Capitol to celebrate Virginia making history for equal rights! This year, Virginia became the 38th and final state needed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
5 February Edition Huge congratulations to Arlington League leaders Seema Kakad Jain and Nancy Tate! They will be featured in an exhibit, “Women’s Work: Then and Now,” showcasing exemplary female leaders over more than a century of Arlington history. Please join us in celebrating Seema, Nancy, and the other honorees on Thursday, March 5, at the Central Library, 1015 N. Quincy St. The reception is at 6:30, followed by a talk by Liza Mundy about her book Code Girls.
22 January Edition Mark your calendar for a very special and fun anniversary celebration here in Arlington – Our Centennial Soiree on Tuesday, February 18 from 6 – 9 PM at Mrs. Peacock’s Champagne Lounge! We will be toasting to the 100 years of activism of the League of Women Voters and the passage of the 19th Amendment. We will also be celebrating the many woman and men who fought for the right to vote for all women through games.
8 January Edition What a year it will be - its time for voter registration!. We have three elections in Virginia this year, Super Tuesday is on March 8, the Federal and local primary day is June 9 and the General Election on November 3. Find out how you can help!