Women & Voting: Unconscious Bias - Unveiling Racism

Women & Voting: Unconscious Bias - Unveiling Racism

Photo of Janice Mathis, Esq, the Executive Director of The National Council of Negro Women


Connecticut US
Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

The Southeastern CT Women’s Network in collaboration with the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) of CT is sponsoring a panel discussion on the topic of “Women and Voting” - a free Zoom event on Thursday, October 8th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The panel will discuss the history of voting, the suffrage movement and the voting rights act of 1965. The event will feature panelist, Janice Mathis, Esq, the Executive Director of The National Council of Negro Women. Other panelists include Jean M. Jordan, President of the New London Chapter of the NAACP, and Joanne Moore, V.P. of the SECT League of Women Voters. Kia Baird, CESP, NCNW of New London County and Job Developer with the State of CT will moderate the panel. Please join us for this special and timely event. This panel is the 2nd in a series of monthly panels focusing on Unconscious Bias – Unveiling Racism. The next panel on Thursday, November 12th will focus on antisemitism and will be moderated by Carin Savel, Executive Director of The Jewish Federation of Eastern, CT.

Free event. Open to the public. To register and join the panel discussion, go to the Zoom Link:


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