Census 2020 Call to Action: Your Senators Need to Hear from You

Census 2020 Call to Action: Your Senators Need to Hear from You

Call to Action Banner
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Dec 04 2020 to Dec 18 2020

The health of our democracy and its people depends on accurate data from the 2020 Census. This data helps determine representation and resource allocation for Connecticut and the entire country for the next 10 years.

Yet, the Census Bureau staff have only 11 weeks to complete their work on Census files, due to COVID-19 delays and reporting deadlines. In 2000 and 2010, Census staff had over 20 weeks and we were not in the middle of a pandemic.

It makes no sense to have an 11 week deadline to complete such a crucial task that will impact our lives and our democracy for the next 10 years.

Congress has the power to grant an extension, but it will require a U.S. Senate majority. That's why our U.S. Senators need to hear from us.

Please urge Senators Blumenthal and Murphy to do everything they can before December 31, 2020 to get a 120 day extension. Then, urge your friends and family in other states to do likewise. See below for contact info.

The 120 day extension would give Census staff 20 weeks to process the data files for a larger and more diverse population than we've ever had in previous Census years. The U.S. Senate has the power to take this action by:

  • passing a new version of the Heroes Act - a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package - that extends the reporting deadlines of the U.S. Census;                
  • taking up and passing the bicameral and bipartisan 2020 Census Deadline Extensions Act (S.4571).
For background reading:

Contact Senators Blumenthal and Murphy

Senator Richard Blumenthal          
Hartford Office 860-258-6940
Bridgeport Office 203-330-0598
Washington, DC Office - 202-224-2823
Senator Chris Murphy 
Hartford Office - 860-549-8463
Washington, DC Office - 202-224-4041

Reach out to your people in other states!

Increase your impact by sending copies of your message to friends and family in other states. A majority of U.S. Senators will need to push for this vote, which means they need to hear directly from constituents.
Issues referenced by this action alert: