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Our News and Announcements

Local League updates and press releases. Read about our work and initiatives! To access the League's newsletters, click directly on NEWS above in the menu ribbon. 

Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Articles

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On February 11th, the LWV of Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Education and Voter Services Committees combined to present two educational programs for the LWV members at the Bluffton Public Library.   

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LWV HHI_BA 2024 Year in Review

Our League can celebrate many accomplishments in 2024!

Voter Registration USCB

The League of Women Voters of HHI and Bluffton is pleased to announce we received two 2025 grants, one from the LWV US and another from the LWV SC.

College students, register to vote!
Blog Post

Are you attending college in South Carolina? If so, you have a choice to make.

Resident students in South Carolina may register to vote either where they reside while attending college or at their home of origin. Whether you consider yourself to be more a resident of your college location or your original home location is up to you. Only you can decide where you think you want your voice as a voter to be heard. Just know that you can vote either where you attend school or at your home of origin, but not both.

Healthcare Image
Public Statement

SC is one of only 10 states that has refused to expand health insurance coverage for working-age adults although Federal funds would cover more than 90% of the cost.

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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Subscribed Articles

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According to the research, Medicaid expansion is projected to result in large-scale economic growth in South Carolina. If the state were to expand Medicaid in 2026, South Carolina would see the creation of nearly 20,000 new jobs over the first three years of Medicaid expansion. View the interactive map to find out how your county specifically would benefit.

Press Mention


A proposed bill impacting voter registration groups would involve a $100 registration fee, requirements to return forms within ten days, and fines up to $1000. “These groups provide a very positive social service and civic service, citizen-to-citizen outreach, and there is no documented pattern of abuse,” Lynn Teague with the League of Women Voters of South Carolina testified.

Making Democracy Work Network Update
Blog Post

Several election bills are cheduled in the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on Feb. 20, 2025, The last of these bills, H.3459, is of the greatest interest. While the requirements are not very demanding for organizations that routinely conduct registration drives, the bill could be an impediment to smaller-scale groups involved in church or school registration.

Press Mention


A push to end ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ practices in South Carolina is gaining ground in among some lawmakers. Lynn Teague, Vice President of League of Women Voters, said DEI has made South Carolina a better place. “One of the most important things for South Carolina flourishing is all of its people having a chance to do a good job to moving the state forward,” Teague said.

LWV Membership Transition

Starting the week of February 3, an exciting new nationwide membership system will improve the member experience, streamline operations, and strengthen state and local Leagues.