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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Articles

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To all our members, Thank you to all the poll workers, managers, and our dedicated volunteers to Get Out the Vote in the 2024 Elections.  The voter turnout in Beaufort County was 75% which exceeded the previous total of 71% from 2020. 

New Voters

The LWV HHI-BA congratulates all first-time voters and recognizes the hard work of our Voter Services Co-Chairs Diana Heitman, Barbara Lippard and the many volunteers who gave their time to register young people to vote in our democracy. 

College students, register to vote!
Blog Post

Are you attending college in South Carolina? If so, you have a choice to make.

Resident students in South Carolina may register to vote either where they reside while attending college or at their home of origin. Whether you consider yourself to be more a resident of your college location or your original home location is up to you. Only you can decide where you think you want your voice as a voter to be heard. Just know that you can vote either where you attend school or at your home of origin, but not both.

Healthcare Image
Public Statement

SC is one of only 10 states that has refused to expand health insurance coverage for working-age adults although Federal funds would cover more than 90% of the cost.

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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Subscribed Articles

Women Power Democracy image
Blog Post

Our voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts in South Carolina contributed to the highest turnout ever in a presidential election. But important work remains. Now, more than ever, the League of Women Voters needs to—and will—combat threats to democracy and work courageously and persistently to ensure that South Carolina laws and government protect the interests and reflect the diversity of the people of our state. To do so we need to be bigger and bolder. We hope you will continue to stand by our side.

Press Mention


Besides the race for the White House, there is one other question that all of them will be asked at the polls this year, a statewide constitutional referendum. The League opposes this measure. “It is not because we want noncitizens voting,” LynnTeague, LWVSC VP, said. “We lose our inclusion to guarantee that every citizen has a right to vote, unless, of course, they’re disqualified by law.”

Press Mention

News 6 WJBF

The state constitution says “every” citizen of the state or country can vote in elections. The general assembly voted to add a question to the ballot asking if voters want to change the word “every” to “only.” Lynn Teague, LWVSC VP, said the change is redundant and may be harmful to legal citizens.

Making Democracy Work Network Update
Blog Post

A ballot proposition would alter voting rights in our state constitution—a change from the current wording that says "every" citizen of the United States and of this State, 18 years and older, is entitled to vote to "only" citizens. Multiple laws already require legal citizenship to vote. The League of Women Voters believes that we must not lose that constitutional protection of "every" and oppose this proposition.

The federal government is taking precautions against potential claims of voter fraud, intimidation and violence. Assistant U.S. Attorney John Potterfield will investigate any claims related to this year's election. The public can reach him at (803) 919-3092.

Press Mention

News 19 WLTX

South Carolina lawmakers are discussing the viability of the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station construction site, where two nuclear reactors were abandoned in 2017. The project's failure forced ratepayers to foot the $9 billion bill under the Base Load Review Act, which allowed utilities to raise rates for a project ahead of its construction. "It should never happen under the conditions of the previous construction," said Lynn Teague, LWVSC Vice President of Issues and Action.