LWV Greenwich Hosts: Why Can't We Talk to One Another? Rebuilding Trust to Strengthen Our Democracy

LWV Greenwich Hosts: Why Can't We Talk to One Another? Rebuilding Trust to Strengthen Our Democracy

LWV or Greenwich CT Logo


Online - Zoom
Connecticut US
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 - 7:00pm

Join the LWV Greenwich to welcome Dr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer, the first Executive Director of the National Institute For Civil Discourse

Dr. Lukensmeyer works to reduce dysfunction and incivility in our political system. As a leader in the field of deliberative democracy, she will talk about why we have difficulty communicating across party lines and how we can work toward restoring and strengthening our democracy.

Read Dr. Lukensmeyer's bio below and learn about her work with the prestigious National Institute for Civil Discourse whose founding Chairmen were former Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

We encourage you to invite a friend or colleague with a different political perspective, and during the event, we will be announcing additional opportunities for you to get involved in the civil discourse movement in 2022.

VIA ZOOM (link will be sent the morning of the event)

Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer HeadshotDr. Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer
Prior to her work as Executive Director of the National Institute for Civil Discourse, Dr. Lukensmeyer served as Founder and President of AmericaSpeaks, an award winning nonprofit orgranization that promoted nonpartisan initiatives to engage citizens and leaders through the development of innovative public policy tools and strategies. During her tenure, AmericaSpeaks engaged more than 200,000 people and hosted events across all 50 states and throughout the world. Dr. Lukensmeyer formerly served as Consultant to the White House Chief of Staff from 1993-94 and on the National Performance Review where she steered internal management and oversaw government-wide reforms. She was the Chief of Staff to Ohio Governor Richard F. Celeste from 1986-91, becoming the first woman to serve in this capacity. She earned her PhD in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University and has completed postgraduate training at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.

Contact Information
Deirdre Kamlani