Democracy, Disinformation and Distrust: Building Citizen Capacity to Impact Mis/Disinformation

Democracy, Disinformation and Distrust: Building Citizen Capacity to Impact Mis/Disinformation

Democracy Disinformation and Distrust Event Image


Online - Zoom
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Missed the event? Watch the recording! 

Exploring ways that everyday Americans can build our capacity to establish resilience to the impact of mis/disinformation.

About this event

Hosted by the LWV Civil Discourse Network and National Institute for Civil Discourse 

As we think about some of the challenges in our democracy now, the information ecosystem is helping foster increased division and distrust. Misinformation spreading on social media has become an unfortunate fact of life: fueling polarization and hate, driving down trust in institutions, amplifying fringe science and conspiracies, and inciting violence. Every political and social issue is now impacted by the threat of false and misleading claims that can confuse and radicalize the public.

We want to better understand this environment and explore ways that everyday Americans can be part of building our capacity to establish resilience to the impact of misinformation and disinformation.

Please join us for this exploration with Matt Leighninger, Head of Democracy Innovation with the National Conference on Citizenship and Cameron Hickey , Director Algorithmic Transparency Institute of the National Conference on Citizenship.


The League of Women Voters envisions a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.  The LWV Civil Discourse Network is a network of Leagues using civil discourse as a way to foster understanding across our differences, build trust within our democracy and advance solutions to the issues facing our communities and country.

The National Institute for Civil Discourse, was founded after the Tucson shooting at the civic event called "Congress on Your Corner" that killed six people and wounded thirteen others, including former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.  NICD believes the American people will be our saving grace. In addition to inspiring and organizing everyday Americans to engage our differences productively through listening, conversation and action together, NICD encourages elected leaders to put country ahead of partisanship.