LWV Northern Fairfield County Legislative Forum

LWV Northern Fairfield County Legislative Forum

Logo for League of Women Voters of Northern Fairfield County


Zoom - Online
Connecticut US
Saturday, February 5, 2022 - 9:30am

Click Here to Join the Webinar

Join the League of Women Voters of Northern Fairfield County virtually for this annual event. 

We will be hearing from:

  • Rep. Ken Gucker (138th District)
  • Rep. Bob Godfrey (110th District)     
  • Rep. Patrick Callahan (108th District)       
  • Rep. Stephen Harding (107th District)     
  • Rep. Mitch Bolinsky (106th District)         
  • Sen. Julie Kushner  (24th District)         
  • Sen. Will Haskell (26th District)             

There is no registration required - simply click the link to join the webinar. 


Contact Information
LWVHNHtreasurer [at] gmail.com