Book Club

Book Club



Thursday, April 7, 2022 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

LOCAL AUTHOR,  JON LAND, in person-his latest book comes out Feb. 15 and hopefully we will meet at Carolyn R's home

When I decided to ask Jon to speak to us I did not know he had a new book coming out.
he then told me when he knew the release date BUT MY INTENTIONS WERE NOT TO PROMOTE HIS BOOKS, JUST TO HAVE A LOCAL AUTHOR TALK TO US as he was really "hidden"from me as such (after meeting him 18 yrs ago!) and thought he could share some things about his path to success. you will hear all of this in April.
BUT his latest book was released Feb. 15 and it is "Margaret Truman's Murder at the CDC". I presumed all had seen this when Marie Hennedy mentioned it in an email. I would be surprised if it has made its way to the library system yet and having read none of his many books and did not mean we had to in April-sort of "in lieu fo a field trip" we would bring in an author to speak to us -even if it had to be on Zoom.
I have asked him IF he will have a box in his trunk and I have not checked online yet as to purchasing one as I would like to AFTER having him and having him sign it-
So that is how this idea came to be and every day I look for yet another surprise because this idea will surprise you-
It is true IF you haven't lived in RI for 25 yrs you are still a carpetbagger and have lots to learn-

Contact Information
Linda Jenkins
This event is related to which committees: 
LWVRI - Book Club