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Submitted by Rhode Island in January 2025.
Submitted by Rhode Island in December 2024.
You are all still requested to read any of Betty White's books or anything about her OR even anything written about Fannie's Flag or one of her books to discuss female humor!
Submitted by Rhode Island in February 2024.
Agawam Hunt Club
All Rhode Island Reads “Solito’ by Javier Zamora
Sharing poetry, books,plays, etc. at Linda's
“Thomas Jefferson’s Creme Brûlée” by Thomas J. Craughwell
BOOK CLUB NOT HAPPENING IN AUGUST AND WILL RESUME SEPT 12@ 1. Destination still Riverside at Susan's unless we tell you otherwise.
“The Engineers Wife” by Tracy Enerson Wood - about the Brooklyn Bridge
“Necessary Trouble” by Drew Gilpin Faust - former president of Harvard University
“Breaking Through - my life in science” by Katlin Kariko - recent Nobel Prize winner in biochemistry