Time Range For Action Alert:
Feb 27 2022 to Mar 03 2022LWVODC Chatham Unit members:
Background: The five members of the Chatham County Board of Elections (BOE) did not agree on the hours that Early Voting should be available. (Some hours are set by state law, but others can be decided at the county level.) The three Democrats on the Chatham BOE supported the plan that included Early Voting hours on Sunday (12-3pm) but the two Republicans opposed Sunday voting. Because support for a plan was not unanimous, the decision will be made by the NC State BOE (NCSBE).
The LWVODC strongly encourages the NCSBE to approve an early voting plan for Chatham County that includes Sunday voting hours. Sunday voting hours should be provided as an option for all voters, because voters have a variety of reasons that lead them to choose to vote on Sundays, including work schedule, transportation needs, family responsibilities, and other factors. LWVODC is submitting formal input to the NCSBE stressing our strong support for Sunday voting hours.
What you can do:
The NCSBE has provided an online portal for citizens to comment on the two possible plans:
Click To Provide Input on Sunday Voting As an individual, please provide your input to the NCSBE and encourage them to approve Sunday voting hours for Chatham County.
The deadline for comments is 5pm on Thursday, March 3.