The Agenda for the Wednesday April 6, 2022 - 4:00 PM hearing has three bills which may be of interest to League members.
7519 - a resolution proposing to add the right to adequate education (including Civics) to the Rhode Island Constitution.
7584 - a bill to establish by statute a Redistricting Commission with set standards (the current procedure requires passing a bill to establish the commission and standards every 10 years).
7741 - a bill that would require that the state use the actual residences of persons in government custody for redistricting purposes (a.k.a. ending Prison Gerrymandering).
The meeting will be televised by Capitol Television on Cox Communications (channels 15, 61, and 1061 for high definition), Full Channel (on 15) and Verizon (on channel 34). Livestreaming is available at https://www.rilegislature.gov/CapTV/Pages/default.aspx.
Send written testimony to: HouseStateGovernmentandElections [at] rilegislature.gov
Testimony must include: your name, bill number and viewpoint (for/against/neither).
Any testimony received without a bill number may not be disseminated to members or posted to the website. Written testimony is posted to the General Assembly website as soon as possible. The posting of documents may be delayed due to high volume and will be delayed if submitted or hand-delivered at hearings.
Individuals may testify in person, not by telephone. Sign-up sheets are available in/outside the hearing room. Signs/posters/pictures are not allowed to be displayed inside hearing room.