LWV Greenwich - Affordable Housing Update

LWV Greenwich - Affordable Housing Update

LWV or Greenwich CT Logo


Online - Zoom
Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 7:00pm

An Evening with the Chair of the Greenwich Planning & Zoning Commission Margarita Alban and Town Planner Katie DeLuca

Join the League of Women Voters of Greenwich for an update on current thinking on affordable housing, accessory dwelling units and other issues related to town planning and zoning from the Chair of the Greenwich Planning and Zoning Commission, Margarita Alban, and Greenwich Town Planner Katie DeLuca.

The event will start promptly at 7pm with prepared comments from the panelists. Please sign in a few minutes early to catch the entire presentation. Questions will answered during the last 15 minutes of the discussion and can be submitted via the Q&A function during the Zoom webinar presentation.

Meeting ID:
823 8210 4235