LWVCT 2022 Virtual State Convention

LWVCT 2022 Virtual State Convention

2022 LWVCT Convention banner


Online - Zoom
Saturday, June 4, 2022 - 9:00am

Join your fellow Leaguers for the annual LWVCT Convention! This is an opportunity to help determine the organizational plans for the League in Connecticut for 2022-23. We will be celebrating our accomplishments, networking with other local Leagues, welcoming new board members and staff, and looking ahead to the 2022 election season. The convention will run online from 9:00am to 1:00pm and will feature keynote speaker Elizabeth Hamilton, Executive Editor for the CT Mirror.

Keynote Speaker

Headshot of Elizabeth Hamilton, executive editor of the CT Mirror in a navy blue shirtElizabeth Hamilton joined CT Mirror as Executive Editor in 2018. She is a 20-year veteran of Connecticut newsrooms, including more than a decade at The Hartford Courant where she was Reporter of the Year in 2000 and where she won the newspaper’s prestigious Theodore Driscoll Investigative Award for a series of stories about deaths in group homes for the developmentally disabled. Elizabeth has a degree in history from the University of Connecticut and an MFA from Southern Connecticut State University, where she also teaches writing as an adjunct professor.

Registration is open to all members - contact us at lwvct [at] lwvct.org if you are interested in attending as a delegate or observer.

Contact Information
Leage of Women Voters of Connecticut
lwvct [at] lwvct.org