The Work Must Be Done: Women of Color and Voting Rights

The Work Must Be Done: Women of Color and Voting Rights

Invitation to the Work Must Be Done Soft Launch


Connecticut Historical Society
One Elizabeth Street
Hartford Connecticut 06105
Connecticut US
Thursday, July 14, 2022 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Connecticut Historical Society invites you to:

The Work Must Be Done: Women of Color and Voting Rights

Traveling Banner Exhibition Soft-Launch

RSVP to Dr. Brittney Yancy at byancy [at] 

Dr. Brittney Yancy completed her doctorate from the University of Connecticut in 20th Century U.S. History in May 2022. She is a 2021 League of Women Voters of Connecticut Fellowship recipient and one of the two researchers on The Work Must Be Done Digital Archives project that is on the Connecticut Historical Society website, expanding on current knowledge of the women of color in the suffrage movement in Connecticut.

Contact Information
Dr. Brittney Yancy
byancy [at]