Old Statehouse Encounters: The Connecticut Constitution

Old Statehouse Encounters: The Connecticut Constitution

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Connecticut's Old Statehouse
800 Main St.
Hartford Connecticut
Connecticut US
Saturday, December 3, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Explore the concept of ‘Constitution’ through a look into Connecticut’s constitutional history. 

Our state is known by many names, including the Nutmeg State and the Land of Steady Habits. But its official nickname is, of course, the Constitution State.

From the Fundamental Orders of 1639, which some historians argue was the first American constitution, to the current state constitution passed in 1965, Connecticut has had many different documents serve as the basis of our state government. They define the powers and limits of elected officials, establish how new laws are made, and list the basic rights of all citizens. 

But what constitutes a constitution? How do constitutions affect the daily lives of citizens? What fundamental principles does a constitution need to meet to be legitimate? Join for an informed and collaborative exploration of these critical and fascinating questions!

This is an in-person event hosted by Connecticut's Old Statehouse, UConn Human Rights Institute, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Please register at the link above.