Gun Policy

Gun Policy

St. Louis Metro LWV Gun Policy Committee

STL Position: SUPPORT regulation of firearms and ammunition to protect the health and safety of citizens through limiting the accessibility and regulating the ownership of handguns and semi-automatic weapons.
April 2024 Annual Report

The Gun Policy Committee has been participating in events sponsored by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America to raise awareness about gun safety and safe gun storage. We have also been keeping up with gun related legislation in Missouri and disseminating this information when appropriate. Several League members attended Advocacy Day in Jefferson City last month to make sure that gun violence prevention is a top priority in our state.

Chair Don Crozier
gunpolicy [at]

April 2023 - Gun Policy Annual Report

In the summer of 2022, the LWVSTL formed a gun policy committee to help LWV members be connected to efforts of other organizations that are like-minded to our LWV gun policy position.  It takes a large voice to make change and League members can add theirs to the chorus calling for awareness and change.  The St. Charles unit especially has a group of members who have been meeting with Moms Demand Action members and participating in events.  

Committee Chair: Don Crozier, GunPolicy [at]