Early Voting Coalition Applauds House Passage of HB 5004, Continues Calls for Funding

Early Voting Coalition Applauds House Passage of HB 5004, Continues Calls for Funding

Early Voting Coalition Partners
Public Statement
Date of Release or Mention: 
Friday, May 5, 2023

Press Conference: Thursday, May 11, 10 a.m. at the Capitol Building

HAMDEN, CT (May 5, 2023) — A coalition of Early Voting advocates called the Make it Count Coalition, which includes Common Cause Connecticut, The Connecticut Project Action Fund, AARP, League of Women Voters of Connecticut, ACLU Connecticut, Shoreline Indivisible, Bridgeport Generation Now Votes, Connecticut Citizen Action Group and the SEIU State Council released the following statement regarding Thursday's passage of H.B. 5004:
"Yesterday marked a significant step forward for democracy in Connecticut, as the House of Representatives passed H.B. 5004, An Act Implementing Early Voting. We are thrilled that H.B. 5004 received bipartisan support and extend our sincerest gratitude to all of the representatives who supported the bill and to the leadership of Speaker Matthew Ritter, Majority Leader Jason Rojas, and the Co-Chair of the Government Administration and Elections Committee, Representative Matthew Blumenthal. 
While we mark this milestone after more than a decade of advocacy, we also acknowledge that there is still more work to be done. The legislature must appropriate sufficient resources to implement early voting and ensure that all who wish to vote early in 2024–from voters in our largest cities to those in our smallest towns–can do so equitably.
Last November, Connecticut voters overwhelmingly voted to amend the state constitution to allow for early voting. We are pleased that the House has worked expeditiously to ensure implementation of this popular amendment, and eagerly await consideration by the Senate and then final action by Gov. Lamont."
The Make it Count Coalition will join Connecticut's mayors next week to push for appropriate funding.

Press Conference: Thursday, May 11, 10 a.m. at the Capitol Building

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