Pleasant Hill Community Center (Also via ZOOM)
320 Civic Drive,
McHale Room
Pleasant Hill
See map: Google Maps
California US
Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Join us for a fun and energizing morning! We want and need your input on what your local League should focus on over the next year. This is an important member-wide meeting where you can make choices about what LWVDV will do this year and suggest what LWVUS should work on for the next two years, before members vote at the Annual Meeting and National Convention. It all starts at Program Planning!
Great ideas start with the members and members make them happen.This is your chance to make your voice heard!
This year we are meeting in person at the Pleasant Hill Community Center, with a Zoom option. Bring your suggestions for future activities, round up others who are interested in helping, and make things happen!
LWVDV Members: Please click here to RSVP and let us know if you will be attending in person or through Zoom. If you register for the virtual meeting, a Zoom link will be sent to you before the meeting.
For more information about the League's Program Planning process, see Program Priorities.