The Fight For Clean Air - A Community Conversation (VIDEO and RESOURCE LIST NOW AVAILABLE)

The Fight For Clean Air - A Community Conversation (VIDEO and RESOURCE LIST NOW AVAILABLE)

The Fight for Clean Air webinar


virtual (Zoom)
Thursday, April 18, 2024 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Local air quality has at times been compromised due to industrial incidents. As a consequence, grassroots organizations have formed to address, advocate, and protect the community’s right to clean air and good health. Join us for our Community Conversations webinar on Thursday, April 18, at 4 pm, to learn about local environmental incidents and recent legislation proposed to keep communities like Contra Costa safe and healthy.

As currently planned, our panel will include:

  • Michael Kent, Contra Costa County Hazardous Materials Ombudsman and staff for the Hazardous Materials Commission
  • Heidi Taylor, Healthy Martinez
  • Marisol Cantu, Richmond Progressive Alliance, AB 617 Community Steering Committee Co-lead
  • Representative from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District
  • Dr. Meredith Bauer, BAAQMD, Deputy Executive Officer of Engineering and Compliance

Audience questions will be collected and answered through the Zoom chat.

Click here to register. Information on how to access the Zoom webinar will be sent to your email address 24 hours before the program.

Community Conversations are sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, the League of Women Voters of West Contra Costa County, CCTV, and the Contra Costa County Library.  

The webinar will have simultaneous Spanish and American Sign Language  interpretation. The Library will provide closed captioning for this event. The program will be recorded and uploaded to the LWVDV and Contra Costa Library's YouTube channels after the event. 

Contact programs [at] for more information.

Contact Information
Diane Bianchi
programs [at]
Co-hosting Leagues: 
West Contra Costa County
This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Community Conversation Team