Take Action Today: Urge your Senator to Vote YES on the Climate Bill

Take Action Today: Urge your Senator to Vote YES on the Climate Bill

Call to Action Banner 2024
Time Range For Action Alert: 
May 06 2024 to May 08 2024

We are so close - now is the time to contact your senator!

Last week, the State House passed the Climate Bill, sending it to the Senate for a vote in the final days of the short session. We are so close, but the Senate must raise and vote YES for this important bill to succeed. 

The Problem 

Connecticut residents have already experienced climate change impacts such as warmer winters, an increased in the number of strong storms with flooding and high winds, and even an increase in the number of tornados. Sea level is rising and coupled with stronger storms, we are seeing more coastal erosion and costly infrastructure damage and risk to human life.

What needs to happen: 

We must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change and pass HB 5004. 
HB 5004 is an omnibus bill that:
  • declares a climate crisis,
  • requires State Agencies to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and zero-carbon electricity by 2030,
  • codifies updated Global Warming Solutions Act of 2008 targets,
  • develops mitigation strategies for transportation and energy infrastructure projects that are aligned with emission targets and requires PURA to provide recommendation for phasing out natural gas (methane),
  • includes incentives for businesses and job creation,
  • creates a Connecticut Clean Economy Council to prepare a workforce for clean energy jobs, and
  • establishes school building grants for installation of clean energy.

Read more about this bill from CT Mirror:  "CT legislators take another swing at a big climate bill"

Tell your  State Senator to vote YES!

Action: Contact your State Senator before Wednesday May 8, and ask them to Vote Yes on HB5004.


Find out who represents you: 

Legislator Lookup Tool

Find your legislators' contact information:

Directory of Elected Officials



Email template or call script to personalize:

Remember to 'cc' advocacy [at] lwvct.org when you send your email, and add your personal reasons for supporting the bill.
Subject: Pleas support HB 5004 An Act Concerning the Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures
Dear Senator [name]:
I am writing to urge you to take action on climate and vote Yes on HB5004, An Act Concerning the Implementation of Cetain Climate Change Measures. We must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change.
Last year, the Legislature did not pass bills related to preserving our climate. While Connecticut was once considered a leader in this area, our neighboring states have taken bold steps on climate in recent years. This year, Connecticut must take significant steps toward achieving its emissions reductions and addressing climate impacts, to help improve our communities, create jobs, fund clean energy schools and buildings, produce a healthier environment, and to ensure more clean energy use in the state. 
Thank you,
[Your Full Name]
[Your City]


Issues referenced by this action alert: